Fostering the Whole Librarian: The Evolution of Professional and Psychosocial Mentoring

By Blair Booker
Distance Education Librarian
Mississippi State University Libraries


Since the 1970’s, librarianship has boasted varied mentoring experiences supporting the lifespan of information professionals. The evolution of such efforts shows formal beginnings that have morphed into a smattering of various formal and informal programs across a spectrum of libraries and institutions. Psychosocial support has emerged as an integral aspect of development for library professionals. For a modern holistic approach to mentoring, professional and psychosocial mentoring should work hand in hand to foster the librarian as a whole.

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The Epidemic of Loneliness: The Library User Health Crisis

By Alejandro Marquez
Science and Engineering librarian
University of Denver


This essay explores the negative effects of loneliness on library users, its impact on health, and strategies for library workers to address this pressing public health concern. It addresses how library workers have the potential to transform libraries into hubs of connection, supporting those struggling with loneliness through empathy, creativity, and dedication. Finally, this essay offers practical measures for library workers and other information professionals to promote social connection within their institutions and communities.

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Libraries as Potential Key Players in Nigeria’s Economic Diversity and Exchange Rate Solutions

By Adebowale Jeremy Adetayo,
Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria,

Muhammed Jamiu Soliudeen,
Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti. Ekiti State,

Arinola Oluwatoyin Gbotoso,
Federal College of Agriculture Akure Ondo State,

and Oyekanmi Gabriel Okediji,
Federal College of Education Iwo Library, Osun State.


As Africa’s largest economy, Nigeria grapples with systemic challenges including exchange rate volatilities, rising inequality and pervasive poverty constraining inclusive growth. This paper explores the overlooked potential of public libraries to address these multidimensional issues through their expansive reach, accessibility and community trust. Specifically, it delineates five pathways of impact: providing access to economic data and research to inform policy decisions; fostering financial literacy among citizens through workshops on personal finance and exchange rate mechanics; supporting entrepreneurship and export competitiveness with tailored advisory services; catalyzing grassroots advocacy coalitions to drive equitable growth reforms; and forging strategic partnerships with diverse institutions to integrate interdisciplinary perspectives. By highlighting these avenues for libraries to collaborate with academia, industry, government and non-profits, this analysis underscores the merits of increased investment into library infrastructure, technology access and programming to maximize their development contributions. It calls upon policymakers to formally recognize libraries’ change-agent role across literacy promotion, business enablement, community mobilization and localizing policy solutions.

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Shelving the Status Quo: Improving the Student Employment Experience at Penfield Library

By Morgan Bond, Electronic Resources and Systems Librarian
State University of New York at Oswego,

Erin Kovalsky, Principal Law Librarian
New York State Unified Court System,


Zachary Vickery, University Archivist Librarian
State University of New York at Oswego


Student employment in academic libraries supports the overall student experience by both complementing traditional studies, and bolstering students’ sense of belonging. Three librarians at a regional comprehensive university worked to create and implement a Library Employment Program for college students in an effort to align with university and library missions, visions, and values. A critical examination of processes across four library units led to changes to the application process, onboarding materials, evaluative tools, and an increased focus on career preparation. Effectiveness of the changes were mixed; while positive results were observed with the adoption of a new recruitment platform and a more inclusive student employment handbook, new evaluative tools were difficult for student supervisors to use consistently, and students struggled with communicating transferable job skills. Creating a library-wide Student Employment Program offers opportunities to develop and utilize consistent practices for all student supervisors to follow, but generating buy-in can be difficult and time-consuming before demonstrable results are observed.

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Formalizing the Informal: Making Conversations with Faculty Count

by Jenna Pitera
Instruction Librarian
Union College

My colleagues joke that I am always selling. I am an instruction librarian at a small liberal arts college that calls itself ‘very relationship based.’ When I came to Union College in Upstate New York, in a barely post-pandemic world, I had an uphill battle to climb when I tried to communicate the utility of our library to the campus. During the pandemic, the library was a rockstar amongst campus services, finding innovative ways to continue services and instruction in a remote environment, but despite my colleagues’ immense efforts, many faculty had moved to a research instruction model where they sprinkled how to find research articles into their standard lessons, using the methods they employ in their own research rather than working with librarians. “I just teach my students what I do” said an economics faculty member to me when I asked him how he works with the library. “I know how to find articles.”
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