Librarians are practitioners. They improvise. They solve problems. They experiment. They sometimes fail, and in the process learn something new. They’re creative. Sometimes in the rush of ongoing demands, that creativity gets lost in the shuffle.
This journal celebrates the practice of librarianship. It provides a place to document innovative approaches to our work, because librarians are not only creative in their workplaces, they believe in sharing. For every small discovery or big new project in a library, there are librarians elsewhere eager to learn from it.
We invite authors from every type of library to submit articles. These may be…
- reflections on professional practice or issues in the field
- reports on projects, innovations, or experiments
- research studies
- critical approaches to library practice
- reviews of books of interest to the profession.
Authors may opt for peer review. All authors, peer-reviewed or otherwise, will receive substantive advice for revisions. Where the recommended revisions are substantial, authors may be paired with a mentor on request. We feel the voices of a diversity of librarians, wherever they work, however experienced they are with publishing, are important to the profession. We want to help you get your voice out there.
As part of our commitment to sharing the voices of librarians, this journal is open access, requires no author-side fees, and publishes articles as soon as they are ready rather than bundling them into issues. We are grateful to American University Library for their financial support.
Please send any inquiries about the journal to the editorial board or read our instructions for authors.
Current Editorial Board
- Joe Kraus (Colorado School of Mines) – founding member
- Barbara Fister (Gustavus Adolphus College) – founding member
- Iris Jastram (Carleton College)
- Derrick Jefferson (American University)
Previous editorial board members
- Amy Buckland (McGill University) – founding member
- Colleen Harris (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) – founding member
- Marie Kennedy (Loyola Marymount University) – founding member
- Rory Morris (PLOS)
- Andy Woodworth (Cherry Hill Public Library, NJ)